Marketing Operations

Currently, there is no exhaustive generally accepted classification of types and forms of communication; however, it is generally accepted that advertising, personal selling, propaganda, and sales promotion together form a “communication complex” of marketing. Check the main components of marketing operations in the article below.

What Is the Importance of Marketing Operations and Communications?

Modern marketing requires much more than creating a product that satisfies the customer’s needs, pricing it appropriately, and making it available to the target consumers. Firms must communicate with their customers. At the same time, there should not be anything random in the content of communications; otherwise, the company’s profit will decrease due to the high costs of communication and because of the damage to the company’s image.

All marketing communications are aimed at providing the target audience with certain information or persuading them to change their attitude or behavior. Sales firms use a variety of methods to convince consumers. They can use any information, arguments, and incentives. It is also necessary to actively listen to the voice of buyers. For example, the Help Desk phone number on diaper packages is one of the most successful marketing communications tools, as new mothers can always use it to comment on a product or get advice on how to use it.

Today, the phrase marketing operations is very common, but not everyone understands its versatile and comprehensive essence. Marketing communications are part of the overall system of an orderly process of understanding what the consumer is interested in and regulating the activities of the enterprise as a whole. This is one of the main parts of the marketing mix, which also includes the price, place of sale, and the product itself. The reputation and popularity of the product are increasing, and various modifications of it are appearing. Competition is increasing because other companies are also switching to the production of this product.

Which Are the Five Components of Marketing Operations?

In the contractor’s accounting, marketing operations are displayed according to the general rules of service provision, and the customer includes the cost of such services in sales costs. At the same time, it is important to draw up documentation for marketing services, which should confirm the reality of their provision (receipt).

Firms must communicate with their customers. At the same time, there should not be anything random in the content of communications; otherwise, the company’s profit will decrease due to the high costs of communication and because of the damage to the company’s image. It is customary to distinguish the main stages of the life cycle of a service, each of which is characterized by a certain combination of various activities that creates an opportunity for the service provider to implement strategic plans and form tactics of behavior in the market.

There are five main elements of marketing operations:

  • consumer persuasion;
  • goals;
  • place of contact;
  • participants in the marketing process
  • various types of marketing communication activities.

The importance of marketing operating methods should allow combining different methods, have the possibility of expansion, and be easy to use, i.e., not require special knowledge from the user. This means that the bank’s management system should provide assistance in choosing the appropriate method. For effective advertising, it is important to find out exactly what properties of the product need to be advertised and thereby determine the place each product occupies on the market among similar products and competing products.